The 5-phase protocol has come to be a standard approach for mTBI treatment in many clinical settings. Components important to this protocol are monitoring vital signs associated with impact from concussions and reestablishing a baseline. Utilization of cardiovascular equipment such as stationary bikes and treadmills is common place to target heart rate, blood pressure and other vital signs.

Dr. Ricker Adkins takes a deeper dive into the regulatory systems affected by a mTBI and new approaches to treating them.

In this master class you will take a new look at the 5-phase protocol, learn about suggested variables that can be carried through to further injury prevention and ultimately be ready to help your athletes/patients arrive at performance enhancement. Discussions include an innovative approach aimed at helping the autonomic nervous system re-establish the patient’s baseline. This approach enriches and further informs the typical protocol and helps identify measurable criteria thread through each phase and beyond.

Before opening to Q&A, we will explore how key variables play a role in ongoing injury prevention considering questions such as: “How is dynamic balance related to an increased risk of concussion?” and “How does a past medical history of concussion impact the risk of a patient suffering from a lower extremity injury?”

Want to join the discussion and learn about an improved approach that can help to connect return-to-play, injury prevention and performance enhancement? Connect with us and we’ll let you know about the next Master Class.


Dr. Adkins holds a BS Athletic Training, MS Exercise and Sport Science, and Clinical Doctorate in Athletic Training along with a certification for Teaching in Higher Education. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Athletic Training in Jefferson University’s College of Rehabilitation Sciences and a member of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) and Delaware Athletic Trainers’ Association. Ricker uses his unique combination of passion, teaching aptitude and progressive training concepts to empower Athletic Trainers and Therapists to reach their own critical thinking application of foundational knowledge and movement principles.