Half Kneel Paddle (S6)


Half kneel holding the WAV with an overhand grip on the outer bands. Reach your arms out at chest height with your torso stacked over your pelvis and your knee stacked over your ankle. Rotate your torso to one side while tipping the WAV back in a paddling motion. Rotate to the opposite direction towards the back leg limiting any unleveling of the foot on the ground.


Ground through the pelvis and ankle with segmental trunk rotation to address oblique control for contralateral movements like walking, running and rotational sports.


VERBAL: Notice how the challenge of this movement allows you to play with staying grounded and stacked.

BE MINDFUL: Feel grounded by stacking your torso over your pelvis and your knee over your ankle. * Is your knee staying stacked above your ankle or is it deviating to the direction of your rotation? * Notice if you are keeping the same quality of foot contact with the ground as the WAV flows around you.

WAV INTERACTION: Pay attention to the WAV's response to your attempt to keep steady to sense compensations you may be making such as side bending while you move form right to left. * Create a steady rythmic flow and smooth sounds.

Common Compensations

  • Abberant Weight Shifting
  • Decentration - Thoracolumbar Junction
  • Decentration - Plantar Region
  • Elevated/Adducted Scapula/Shoulder Girdle
Flow Focus

Half kneel holding the WAV with an overhand grip on the outer bands. Reach your arms out at chest height with your torso stacked over your pelvis and your knee stacked over your ankle. Rotate your torso to one side while tipping the WAV back in a paddling motion. Rotate to the opposite direction towards the back leg limiting any unleveling of the foot on the ground.

Ground through the pelvis and ankle with segmental trunk rotation to address oblique control for contralateral movements like walking, running and rotational sports.

Cues Common Compensations

VERBAL: Notice how the challenge of this movement allows you to play with staying grounded and stacked.

BE MINDFUL: Feel grounded by stacking your torso over your pelvis and your knee over your ankle. * Is your knee staying stacked above your ankle or is it deviating to the direction of your rotation? * Notice if you are keeping the same quality of foot contact with the ground as the WAV flows around you.

WAV INTERACTION: Pay attention to the WAV's response to your attempt to keep steady to sense compensations you may be making such as side bending while you move form right to left. * Create a steady rythmic flow and smooth sounds.

  • Abberant Weight Shifting
  • Decentration - Thoracolumbar Junction
  • Decentration - Plantar Region
  • Elevated/Adducted Scapula/Shoulder Girdle