Seated Reach (S5)
Sit on a physioball or chair holding the WAV with an underhand grip at the outer bands. With straight arms float the WAV up to shoulder height. Bend at the elbows and pull the WAV close to your chest. Extend your arms to reach the WAV away from your chest. Continue to breathe and maintain the posture you have built, holding the WAV with a light grip. Close your eyes and continue mapping your posture in your mind’s eye.
Advance shoulder stability for functional reaching patterns with a focus on lengthening of the spine and gaze stabilization, particularly useful for post-concussion, neglect and geriatrics.
VERBAL: Keep your spine stacked with your head, ribcage and pelvis in neutral alignment.
BE MINDFUL: Maintain the support for your neutral spine with your breath around your pelvis. * Are your shoulders elevating up to your ears or keeping stable as you bend and straighten your arms? * Listen and feel the WAV to realize if the liquid remains balanced throughout the exercise.
WAV INTERACTION: Allow the WAV to awaken the length in the spine regardless of the weight and proximity of what you hold in your hands. * Keep calm and quiet.
Common Compensations
- Breath Hold/Valsalva
- Decentration - Palmar Region
- Decentration - Thoracolumbar Junction
- Elevated/Adducted Scapula/Shoulder Girdle
Flow | Focus |
Sit on a physioball or chair holding the WAV with an underhand grip at the outer bands. With straight arms float the WAV up to shoulder height. Bend at the elbows and pull the WAV close to your chest. Extend your arms to reach the WAV away from your chest. Continue to breathe and maintain the posture you have built, holding the WAV with a light grip. Close your eyes and continue mapping your posture in your mind’s eye. |
Advance shoulder stability for functional reaching patterns with a focus on lengthening of the spine and gaze stabilization, particularly useful for post-concussion, neglect and geriatrics. |
Cues | Common Compensations |
VERBAL: Keep your spine stacked with your head, ribcage and pelvis in neutral alignment. BE MINDFUL: Maintain the support for your neutral spine with your breath around your pelvis. * Are your shoulders elevating up to your ears or keeping stable as you bend and straighten your arms? * Listen and feel the WAV to realize if the liquid remains balanced throughout the exercise. WAV INTERACTION: Allow the WAV to awaken the length in the spine regardless of the weight and proximity of what you hold in your hands. * Keep calm and quiet. |