Sit on a firm surface or physioball holding the WAV with an overhand grip at the outer bands. Place the WAV across your pelvis. Feel your breath expand 360 degrees around your pelvis and into the WAV, supporting your spine. Reach your arms forward and elongate your spine. Lift the WAV towards the ceiling tracking it with your eyes, lifting only as high as the logo remains in focus. Lower the WAV towards your knees, following only with your gaze.
Introduce elements of VOR and promote postural skill transfer in a commonly encountered position that often provokes compensation. This builds on S1-S4 movement principles.
VERBAL: Feel your spine lengthening to the surface beneath you as it extends to the sky above you.
BE MINDFUL: To maintain the support in your spine from your breath around your pelvis. * Do you feel your gaze on the WAV lengthen you as your breathe stabilizes you? * Not to lift your chin and remain tall through your head.
WAV INTERACTION: Naturally awaken your spine with each micro adjustment to the instability of the WAV and allow your gaze on the WAV to automatically lengthen you. * Keep calm and quiet.
Common Compensations
- Breath Hold/Valsalva
- Decentration - Thoracolumbar Junction
- Decentration - Pelvic Region
- Elevated/Adducted Scapula/Shoulder Girdle
AMPLIFY: Close your eyes to lift the WAV. Perform on an uneven surface.
MINIFY: Perform seated on a even supportive surface and lift the arms to tolerance.
Flow | Focus |
Sit on a firm surface or physioball holding the WAV with an overhand grip at the outer bands. Place the WAV across your pelvis. Feel your breath expand 360 degrees around your pelvis and into the WAV, supporting your spine. Reach your arms forward and elongate your spine. Lift the WAV towards the ceiling tracking it with your eyes, lifting only as high as the logo remains in focus. Lower the WAV towards your knees, following only with your gaze. |
Introduce elements of VOR and promote postural skill transfer in a commonly encountered position that often provokes compensation. This builds on S1-S4 movement principles. |
Cues | Common Compensations |
VERBAL: Feel your spine lengthening to the surface beneath you as it extends to the sky above you. BE MINDFUL: To maintain the support in your spine from your breath around your pelvis. * Do you feel your gaze on the WAV lengthen you as your breathe stabilizes you? * Not to lift your chin and remain tall through your head. WAV INTERACTION: Naturally awaken your spine with each micro adjustment to the instability of the WAV and allow your gaze on the WAV to automatically lengthen you. * Keep calm and quiet. |
ModificationsAMPLIFY: Close your eyes to lift the WAV. Perform on an uneven surface. MINIFY: Perform seated on a even supportive surface and lift the arms to tolerance. |