Browse Online Training



Time < 1 min

Get familiar with the WAV and the basics of how to use it.

Time < 1 min

Learn the basics of using your senses with the WAV.

Time < 1 min

Learn the various ways to hold the WAV with a 2 handed grip.

Time < 1 min

Learn how grip width and WAV position impacts the challenge level.

Sensory Literacy

Time ~ 10mins
Start: On Your Back
Optional: Small Pillow

Ease into WAV sensorimotor training. We take you through movements that help you become acquainted with your WAV and begin to develop your proprioceptive literacy - that is your brain's understanding of where your body is in space.

Time ~ 30 mins
Start: On your Back
Optional: Small Pillow

Experience a movement session in which you are introduced to concepts rarely addressed elsewhere that provide profound insight into how and why you move. Awaken, activate and acquire skills to facilitate critical brain body connections for optimal movement and take away a more balanced, connected and integrated state of being. This session starts with the Intro to Sensorimotor Training sequence and progresses through lying, kneeling and standing.


Time ~ 27 mins
Start: Seated

Take a core focus as you work from the floor through developmental patterns to standing. Engage your brain body connection and the muscles throughout your body with an emphasis on developing core stability and strength. This flow sequence will also help develop healthy movement patters for your shoulders and upper back while strengthening your glutes. Finish feeling connected and strong to take on any activity.

Time ~ 27 mins
Start: Seated

Move through developmental patterns to strengthen neural pathways and muscles throughout your body in a more physically challenging routine. Develop leg strength, improve hip mobility to ease lower back pain and thoracic stability for good posture, challenge your core throughout the sequence and finish with some balance training both of which are great for just about everything. Finish up feeling more coordinated and ready to dive headfirst into your day.


Brain Date - Get to Know Your Posture

Time ~ 5 mins
Brain Date with Lily

What does your visual system have to do with good posture? How does your breathing pattern change? What is a neutral spine anyway? Before starting to exercise, take this first Brain Date to understand how these factors impact your posture and why they are an important part of training for good posture with the WAV.

Time ~ 5mins
Brain Date with Lily

What is ideal posture for you? That can be different from day to day, hour to hour. Learn some postural anatomy and then do a couple of simple exercises to feel what neutral (or ideal posture) is for you and begin to enhance your postural proprioception. Go on this Brain Date with Lily to be prepared for your posture exercises or anytime you want to reconnect and find your neutral.

Movement – Learn Proper Technique and Purpose of Each Exercise

Time ~ 2 mins
Start: Seated in Chair

Begin your journey to ideal posture with Visual System Recovery. Understand how long screen hours impact your posture and take steps to reset and “reboot” your visual system to maintain better posture and reclaim critical energy often lost without such recovery breaks.

Time ~ 6 mins
Start: Seated in Chair

Breathing is such an important aspect of your movement and posture. Understand how your breathing typically changes after long hours of sitting and start to improve your breathing mechanics with the WAV.

Time ~ 2 mins
Start: Seated in Chair

Feels good and is good come together in this 3rd move of our posture series. Help correct your head to it's natural resting place and those slumped shoulders back to a healthy position with this gentle yet powerful corrective move with the WAV.

Time ~ 3 mins
Start: Seated in Chair

Build on the previous 3 movements to redefine your posture as dynamic. Use the WAV to help change the relationship of joints and muscles and how they work together for better posture.

Time ~ 4 mins
Start: Seated in Chair

Redefine your proprioception and get rid of those rounded slumped shoulders. Discover a new way of thinking about your shoulders and core for healthy posture.

Time ~ 2 mins
Start: Seated in Chair

Free up your movement from that locked desk position. Build on concepts in prior moves and learn to keep good posture when reaching in your seat. Continue to redefine how you use your shoulders and core for healthy posture.

Time ~ 4 mins
Start: Seated in Chair

Work on keeping your ideal posture during this fundamental movement of bending over and coming back up to avoid unnecessary stress on your back. Improve your proprioception using the information your body receives from the ground.

Time ~ 5 mins
Start: Seated in Chair

Apply all the movement patterns learned to this point into a dynamic moving sequence that challenges posture in typical functional movements you complete throughout your day. Finish with a brief reflection of your renewed posture.

Posture Break! – You’ve Learned it all. Do this Sequence Regularly


Time ~ 11 mins
Start: Seated in Chair

You’ve been on all the brain dates and have worked through each of the 8 individual movements and understand them well. Now you’d like to have the prompts to work through the seated posture flow. Revisit this flow regularly to remain aware and refreshed with healthy posture throughout your day.


Movement References



Check out the Learn section of our website and discover exercises and discussions designed to help you achieve healthy movement for real life.


Quick Start Guide


7 common exercises amplified with the WAV. Complete this sequence for a complete body workout on your own.

  • Progressions and performance tips for each movement

  • Complete up to 10 repetitions per exercise so long as you can keep proper form


Have comments, questions or suggestions? TELL US. We love HEARING FROM YOU.


LIABILITY: iBalans LLC specifically DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES and assumes no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage suffered by you or any person as a result of the use or misuse of the WAV Sensorimotor Trainer and any of the information or content on this website. iBalans LLC assumes or undertakes NO LIABILITY for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use or misuse of any information or content or any reliance thereon.

USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: This website is for informational purposes only. Consult a physician before performing this or any exercise program. It is your responsibility to evaluate your own medical and physical condition and to independently determine whether to perform, use or adapt any of the information or content on this website. Any exercise program may result in injury. By voluntarily undertaking any exercise displayed on this website, you assume the risk of any resulting injury.