Side Lying Leg Arc (S2)


Lie on your side. Bend your bottom knee and hip to roughly 90 degrees with your foot flexed. Place the WAV lengthwise from hip to heel on your top leg, holding the WAV with your top arm. Reach your bottom arm in front of you bent at your elbow. Lift your top leg to hip height while lengthening your spine to maintain a neutral position. Move your top leg forward and backward, making a smooth arc-like motion from the hip.


Dynamically challenge the hip abductors and pelvic stabilizers to create centration of the hip during a challenging arc. The sensation of the WAV will guide the speed and eccentric control.


VERBAL: Feel the cooperation of your top leg moving and your bottom leg stabilizing while your core centers you.

BE MINDFUL: Keep a neutral spine with your lower waist lifted and your bottom behind your spine. * Can you keep the fluid of the WAV equally distributed as you move your leg? * Remain grounded through the entire bottom leg.

WAV INTERACTION: Allow the WAV's fluid to help organize the timing of your movement. Listen for the sound to guide you. * Create steady flow and rythmic sound.

Common Compensations

  • Breath Hold/Valsalva
  • Decentration - Thoracolumbar Junction
  • Decentration - Pelvic Region
  • Abberant Weight Shifting
Flow Focus

Lie on your side. Bend your bottom knee and hip to roughly 90 degrees with your foot flexed. Place the WAV lengthwise from hip to heel on your top leg, holding the WAV with your top arm. Reach your bottom arm in front of you bent at your elbow. Lift your top leg to hip height while lengthening your spine to maintain a neutral position. Move your top leg forward and backward, making a smooth arc-like motion from the hip.

Dynamically challenge the hip abductors and pelvic stabilizers to create centration of the hip during a challenging arc. The sensation of the WAV will guide the speed and eccentric control.

Cues Common Compensations

VERBAL: Feel the cooperation of your top leg moving and your bottom leg stabilizing while your core centers you.

BE MINDFUL: Keep a neutral spine with your lower waist lifted and your bottom behind your spine. * Can you keep the fluid of the WAV equally distributed as you move your leg? * Remain grounded through the entire bottom leg.

WAV INTERACTION: Allow the WAV's fluid to help organize the timing of your movement. Listen for the sound to guide you. * Create steady flow and rythmic sound.

  • Breath Hold/Valsalva
  • Decentration - Thoracolumbar Junction
  • Decentration - Pelvic Region
  • Abberant Weight Shifting