Half Kneel Trunk Rotation (S2)
Half kneel holding the WAV with an underhand grip at the outer bands. Extend your arms out to chest height. Rotate your torso toward the front leg while keeping the WAV centered with your chest. Rotate in the opposite direction towards the back leg ensuring that the movement of the torso is generated by your pelvis.
Cooperation is key during this move. This contralateral pattern with rotation is an excellent prep or warm up move for elite runners or mall walkers with chronic SIJ pain. The dynamic movement of the WAV liquid gives insight to asymmetry and lack of cooperation between oblique chains and rotational stability that govern ambulation.
VERBAL: Feel your body reach through space in all directions. Allow your spine to lengthen in equal but opposite directions.
BE MINDFUL: Recognize any neck or shoulder tension and bend or extend your arms to bring the WAV to a comfortable position. * As you rotate back and forth, do you feel a shift of weight in your foot? * Notice the cooperative dynamic of reciprocal rotation in your hips that facilitates your trunk rotation.
WAV INTERACTION: Maintain balance throughout the WAV keeping the liquid from all flowing to one side as you rotate . * Keep calm and quiet.
Common Compensations
- Breath Hold/Valsalva
- Decentration - Thoracolumbar Junction
- Decentration - Pelvic Region
- Elevated/Adducted Scapula/Shoulder Girdle
Flow | Focus |
Half kneel holding the WAV with an underhand grip at the outer bands. Extend your arms out to chest height. Rotate your torso toward the front leg while keeping the WAV centered with your chest. Rotate in the opposite direction towards the back leg ensuring that the movement of the torso is generated by your pelvis. |
Cooperation is key during this move. This contralateral pattern with rotation is an excellent prep or warm up move for elite runners or mall walkers with chronic SIJ pain. The dynamic movement of the WAV liquid gives insight to asymmetry and lack of cooperation between oblique chains and rotational stability that govern ambulation. |
Cues | Common Compensations |
VERBAL: Feel your body reach through space in all directions. Allow your spine to lengthen in equal but opposite directions. BE MINDFUL: Recognize any neck or shoulder tension and bend or extend your arms to bring the WAV to a comfortable position. * As you rotate back and forth, do you feel a shift of weight in your foot? * Notice the cooperative dynamic of reciprocal rotation in your hips that facilitates your trunk rotation. WAV INTERACTION: Maintain balance throughout the WAV keeping the liquid from all flowing to one side as you rotate . * Keep calm and quiet. |