

Lie on your back holding the WAV with an overhand grip at the outer bands. Extend your arms to the ceiling. Draw your legs up to form a slightly greater than 90-degree angle to the floor. Tip the WAV slightly from side to side using only your eyes to track the flowing liquid. Next, tip and track the WAV to one side and roll onto your shoulder and hip carrying your head and entire body as one unit. Roll the opposite direction tracking the WAV and maintaining your movement as one unit.


Achieve and then challenge sagittal and transverse stabilization of the trunk while integrating visual system tracking relevant to rotation. Proper sling muscles are incorporated and compensations easily identified. Rolling is used as a means to test and enhance sensory motor movement patterning in the rotary field.


VERBAL: Connect to the ground with your head, shoulders and pelvis.

BE MINDFUL: Not to allow one half of your body to lead the other. * Is your body maintaining connection with the ground and your eyes with the WAV? * To feel fluid movement through connection to your core.

WAV INTERACTION: Connect your gaze with the flowing liquid in the WAV tracking in both directions for fluid movement. * Create smooth flow with soft sounds.

Common Compensations

  • Breath Hold/Valsalva
  • Decentration - Lumbar Region
  • Elevated/Adducted Scapula/Shoulder Girdle
  • Decentration - Cervical Reclination


AMPLIFY: Single leg lower (contralateral pattern).

MINIFY: Maintain hook lying position.

Flow Focus

Lie on your back holding the WAV with an overhand grip at the outer bands. Extend your arms to the ceiling. Draw your legs up to form a slightly greater than 90-degree angle to the floor. Tip the WAV slightly from side to side using only your eyes to track the flowing liquid. Next, tip and track the WAV to one side and roll onto your shoulder and hip carrying your head and entire body as one unit. Roll the opposite direction tracking the WAV and maintaining your movement as one unit.

Achieve and then challenge sagittal and transverse stabilization of the trunk while integrating visual system tracking relevant to rotation. Proper sling muscles are incorporated and compensations easily identified. Rolling is used as a means to test and enhance sensory motor movement patterning in the rotary field.

Cues Common Compensations

VERBAL: Connect to the ground with your head, shoulders and pelvis.

BE MINDFUL: Not to allow one half of your body to lead the other. * Is your body maintaining connection with the ground and your eyes with the WAV? * To feel fluid movement through connection to your core.

WAV INTERACTION: Connect your gaze with the flowing liquid in the WAV tracking in both directions for fluid movement. * Create smooth flow with soft sounds.

  • Breath Hold/Valsalva
  • Decentration - Lumbar Region
  • Elevated/Adducted Scapula/Shoulder Girdle
  • Decentration - Cervical Reclination


AMPLIFY: Single leg lower (contralateral pattern).

MINIFY: Maintain hook lying position.