Star Balance (S7)


Stand holding the WAV with an alternating grip at the outer bands. With straight arms float the WAV up to shoulder height. Lift the leg on the side with your palm down. Tip the WAV from horizontal to vertical as you reach the non-stance leg out in front of you. Return the WAV and your non-stance leg to center. Repeat this movement pattern but with your foot to the side and then to the back as if you were reaching to the points of star.


Dynamically challenge the trunk while integrating your visual and vestibular system to achieve center of gravity over center of balance.


VERBAL: Use the floor and your connection to it to create a stable base of support for balance as you move.

BE MINDFUL: Feel the synergy between your trunk, hips, knees and feet as you maintain dynamic alignment. * Do your shoulders remain stable and integrated with your trunk throughout the exercise? * Notice any change in your interaction with the ground and WAV.

WAV INTERACTION: Feel the interaction between your body and the WAV. Explore how that interaction can inform your movement. * Start calm and quiet. Move to rushing flow and sounds.

Common Compensations

  • Breath Hold/Valsalva
  • Decentration - Pelvic Region
  • Decentration - Lumbar Junction
  • Abberant Weight Shifting
Flow Focus

Stand holding the WAV with an alternating grip at the outer bands. With straight arms float the WAV up to shoulder height. Lift the leg on the side with your palm down. Tip the WAV from horizontal to vertical as you reach the non-stance leg out in front of you. Return the WAV and your non-stance leg to center. Repeat this movement pattern but with your foot to the side and then to the back as if you were reaching to the points of star.

Dynamically challenge the trunk while integrating your visual and vestibular system to achieve center of gravity over center of balance.

Cues Common Compensations

VERBAL: Use the floor and your connection to it to create a stable base of support for balance as you move.

BE MINDFUL: Feel the synergy between your trunk, hips, knees and feet as you maintain dynamic alignment. * Do your shoulders remain stable and integrated with your trunk throughout the exercise? * Notice any change in your interaction with the ground and WAV.

WAV INTERACTION: Feel the interaction between your body and the WAV. Explore how that interaction can inform your movement. * Start calm and quiet. Move to rushing flow and sounds.

  • Breath Hold/Valsalva
  • Decentration - Pelvic Region
  • Decentration - Lumbar Junction
  • Abberant Weight Shifting