Single Leg Stance (S7)


Stand holding the WAV with an underhand grip on the outer bands. Bend your elbows to bring the WAV close to your chest. Lift one leg, balancing on the other. Feel the contact of your foot to the ground. Turn your head towards the leg that is grounded, looking across the horizon while maintaining your balance. Tip the WAV in the opposite direction of your gaze. Return your head and WAV to center. Turn your head to the other side and tip the WAV in the opposite direction.


Dynamically challenge balance throughout the trunk with the extremities and awaken the balance senses.


VERBAL: Feel the contact of your foot to the ground as you distribute your weight equally throughout the entire standing foot.

BE MINDFUL: Sense how the strength and stability of your foot to the ground does not falter. * Are you bracing and working so hard that you are tightening and holding your breath or are you breathing freely and moving playfully? * Notice your symmetrical strength as you repeat this sequence in opposing directions.

WAV INTERACTION: Listen to the sounds of the WAV. It will help guide you. * Start calm and quiet. Move to smooth flow and soft sounds.

Common Compensations

  • Breath Hold/Valsalva
  • Decentration - Pelvic Region
  • Decentration - Thoracolumbar Junction
  • Elevated/Adducted Scapula/Shoulder Girdle
Flow Focus

Stand holding the WAV with an underhand grip on the outer bands. Bend your elbows to bring the WAV close to your chest. Lift one leg, balancing on the other. Feel the contact of your foot to the ground. Turn your head towards the leg that is grounded, looking across the horizon while maintaining your balance. Tip the WAV in the opposite direction of your gaze. Return your head and WAV to center. Turn your head to the other side and tip the WAV in the opposite direction.

Dynamically challenge balance throughout the trunk with the extremities and awaken the balance senses.

Cues Common Compensations

VERBAL: Feel the contact of your foot to the ground as you distribute your weight equally throughout the entire standing foot.

BE MINDFUL: Sense how the strength and stability of your foot to the ground does not falter. * Are you bracing and working so hard that you are tightening and holding your breath or are you breathing freely and moving playfully? * Notice your symmetrical strength as you repeat this sequence in opposing directions.

WAV INTERACTION: Listen to the sounds of the WAV. It will help guide you. * Start calm and quiet. Move to smooth flow and soft sounds.

  • Breath Hold/Valsalva
  • Decentration - Pelvic Region
  • Decentration - Thoracolumbar Junction
  • Elevated/Adducted Scapula/Shoulder Girdle